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The fact that exhibitionism goes from plaster to naked to a bigger plaster its kind of annoying. I gues its harder to draw, but still it could be better. Some times roles in the scenes are way too fixed, there is one giving, and one receiving, and the one receiving, with the exceotion of some text he/she becomes quite passive. Even though some scenes are decent, the first 3 times you have sex, the scenes is pretty much a recycled misionary. The Cinema Anal is the same as regular sex, sitting on top with motion blurr, if there is any difference, nobody can tell. Anyway I dont think money is needed after the Vampire cosplay, and the event doeosnt offer anything. If you do Arcade ouotside events after Calix route, you may find some Cringe cause obviously she should be more open after leading a top exhibitionism blog. In the arcade you are required 10Lst to fully unlock all the events, but once you have 10 lst the event is pretty much the same. I thinl its imporat to manage expectations and try to keep certain unpredictability, otherwise it becomes boring,and for sure repetitive. The “housemate” route is boring, you have to make 20 handjobs in every palce available to unloock blowjobs, then make blowjobs in every event available and so on, I wanted to shoot myself. It isn’t quite a visual novel because you can move around, there are some “gameplay” elements and choices. She can make decisions and act but she choses not too, its pretty obvious. There are many moments where, despite Noemi’s desires when interacting with others she is purposedly holding back (for the sake of plot) and this happens Midea and “hosuemate”, and in the moment she stops holding back, the other part becomes the part holding back. Depending on the orther you do the evnts you might find yourself with no worthy events available and just walking around reading walls of text achieving nothing.

Dilmur wiki